April 2021

The Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan informs about the start of accepting applications for the XVII International Prize in Economics and Finance named after P.A. Stolypin.

April 2021

For the first time in the Republic of Tatarstan, within the agro-industrial exhibition "AGROVOLGA", a breeding cattle competition where accredited judges of the international level will determine the best Holstein cattle breed, will be held.

The sowing campaign is starting to pick up momentum. Today, the dynamics of sowing spring crops is 60.7 thousand hectares, of which spring crops and grain crops - 56.4 thousand hectares; barley - 47.3 thousand hectares, sugar beet - 0.6 thousand hectares.

All expenditures for financing the development of rural areas will be strengthened by parliamentary control. It is unacceptable to reduce costs for these purposes, while it is important to ensure the prudent use of the allocated funds.

April 2021

The sowing campaign is in full swing. The agrarians of the republic try not to miss a single minute.

The villagers have begun a hot season: purchase of young poultry for seasonal rearing.

April 2021

Today, with the participation of the deputies of the State Council of Tatarstan and the Tyumen Regional Duma, a video communication was held to discuss the development of business activity of the rural population, including small forms of business and legislative regulation of this area. Deputy Chairman of the State Council Marat Akhmetov, Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan Rishat Khabipov, Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Ecology, Nature Management, Agroindustrial and Food Policy Takhir Khadeev and others took part in the meeting.

This year the "Good Refrigerator" of the Zelenodolsk Dairy Processing Plant celebrates its 5th anniversary. According to the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tatarstan, during this time it "fed" more than a thousand in need - this is about 10 tons of dairy products.

A conference of the Union of Gardeners of Tatarstan was held at the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan. It was attended by Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan, Chairman of the Union of Gardeners of Tatarstan Vladimir Deinekin, representatives of ministries, departments, as well as chairmen of gardening non-profit partnerships.

On April 17, within the framework of events on the topic "Know your homeland", specialists of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tatarstan visited the Chistopol State Historical, Architectural and Literary Museum-Reserve.

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