The trade union committee of the apparatus of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tatarstan organized a trip to Chistopol for the employees of the Ministry

19 April 2021, Monday

On April 17, within the framework of events on the topic "Know your homeland", specialists of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tatarstan visited the Chistopol State Historical, Architectural and Literary Museum-Reserve.

During the excursion, employees of the ministry visited St. Nicholas Cathedral, built in 1838 with money from the Polyakov merchants. Currently, the cathedral is one of the symbols of Chistopol. In the city history museum, which has been located in a historical building since the late 1920s, they got acquainted with the history of the town of 19th century, the daily life of merchants and cultural figures, and also learned interesting facts about the ancient city of Djuketau. Great interest was aroused by the pearl of the museum's collection - two wooden bicycles from 1902 and 1909 by the master peasant N. Melnikov, which have no analogues in the world.

Then the excursion continued in Tatar Sloboda with a visit to the oldest wooden mosque in Tatarstan "Nur". It was built in the traditions of the national Tatar temple architecture of the 19th century. The mosque is the oldest in Chistopol and is one of the most ancient Islamic churches in the republic.

The next objects were the renewed Skaryatinsky Garden, new squares - the Orthodox "Tenderness" and the Tatar culture and education park "Khazine", as well as the park "Naberezhnaya Kama".

During the excursion to the Boris Pasternak Memorial Museum, employees of the department got acquainted with the life and work of the Nobel laureate and poet. It was in this house, during the years of evacuation, that the poet created the most famous classical translation of Romeo and Juliet and found prototypes of the heroes of the immortal novel Doctor Zhivago. The poet's personal belongings and the interior of the room completely recreate the atmosphere in which the writer lived and worked.

At the end of the trip, the specialists of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tatarstan visited the historical, memorial and ethnographic museum of the Tatar prose writer, playwright and publicist, member of the national movement in Tatarstan Gayaz Iskhaki, which is located in the village of. Kutlushkino (Yaushirma), at home, at the writer's home.

The trip turned out to be very rich and informative. To commemorate their stay in Chistopol, employees of the ministry bought souvenirs in the museum souvenir salon, located in the old mansion of the merchant Melnikov - an architectural monument of the 19th century.

“When visiting the historical center of Chistopol, you find yourself in the last century of a provincial town on the banks of the beautiful Kama river, where narrow streets, old merchant houses with balconies and wooden décor of residential buildings have survived. The history of the city is inextricably linked with the destinies of many famous writers and cultural figures. All this gives it uniqueness and original flavor! I am glad that children take part in our trips. Along with adults, they attentively listen to the guide's story and ask questions. This means that each trip will leave its mark both in the memory and in the soul! So it's not in vain! Get to know your native land, its history and diversity, and then you will be overwhelmed with pride for your small homeland! ”, The organizer of the trip, Elena Tolochko, shared her impressions.

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