The most beautiful cow of the Republic of Tatarstan will be chosen in Kazan

21 April 2021, Wednesday

For the first time in the Republic of Tatarstan, within the agro-industrial exhibition "AGROVOLGA", a breeding cattle competition where accredited judges of the international level will determine the best Holstein cattle breed, will be held.

Already, specialists of the Association of Holstein Cattle Producers in the breeding farms of the republic are conducting a preliminary selection of animals for productive and breeding characteristics. Breeders are trained and given full information on preparing animals for the event.

To hold a competition of this level, a large-scale construction of an arena with a capacity of up to 100 heads is already underway.

Together with the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan, the Holstein Cattle Association, the Institute of Milk, the Center for the Study of the Dairy Market, the Kazan State Agrarian University, an extensive business program is being developed.

In addition to the saturated block of animal husbandry, other branches of agriculture will also be widely represented at the exhibition. At the expositions of the exhibition, participants will get acquainted with new achievements in the technology, storage and processing of agricultural products, selection of agricultural crops, plant protection products. They will be able to get complete information about new progressive agricultural technologies and innovations, and also see it in practice.

The international agroindustrial exhibition "AGROVOLGA" will be held in the format of an urban and natural exhibition at the IEC "Kazan Expo".

See you in Kazan at AGROVOLGA 2021 from 1 to 3 July!

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Organizers' contacts:

Republican agro-industrial center of investments and innovations


420111, Russia, Kazan, st. Fedoseevskaya, 36

Tel./fax: +7 (843) 221-77-95

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