Tatarstan residents shared with the Chairman of the Federation Council their experience in the development of physical culture and sports in rural areas

21 April 2021, Wednesday

All expenditures for financing the development of rural areas will be strengthened by parliamentary control. It is unacceptable to reduce costs for these purposes, while it is important to ensure the prudent use of the allocated funds.

This was stated by the chairman of the Federation Council Valentina Matvienko at a meeting with workers of the social sphere of the village. The event was held in video conference format. It was attended by the Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan Rishat Khabipov, the head of the department for youth and sports affairs of the executive committee of the Mamadysh region Almaz Garifullin and workers of the social sphere.

The participants discussed the implementation of national projects and the state program "Comprehensive Development of Rural Areas".

A strong village is the basis for the stability of the state, including the economic one, Valentina Matvienko stressed. “We are simply obliged to reverse the negative trend of the decline in the rural population. It is necessary to raise the standard of living in the countryside, create conditions for employment of the population, smooth out the disproportions in the development of the city and the countryside. National projects in the social sphere are also aimed at solving this problem, ”she said.

During the meeting, Almaz Garifullin made proposals on the development of physical culture and sports in rural areas of Tatarstan.

“Sports facilities are being built and reconstructed in the republic. All 45 municipalities are provided with indoor swimming pools and gyms. Over the past year, 406 sports facilities were built and today their number is more than 11 thousand, half of which are located in rural areas. In recent years, 46 universal sports grounds have been built in the Mamadysh district under the auspices of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan and the Ministry of Sports, this year it is planned to build 8 more sports grounds, ”he said.

Residents of the district take an active part in the village games "Avyl Uennary" and Summer rural sports games “Avyl Yashlyre”. In addition, the All-Russian festival of Kryashen culture "Pitrau" is held, where participants in sports events can compete in national and non-traditional sports such as horse racing, Koresh wrestling, belt wrestling, folk games and water games.

With the support of the leadership of the republic, the region organized work on the development of adaptive sports for people with disabilities. So, at the republican sports-adaptive school, adaptive sports departments have been opened. The next step is to open such branches in 18 more municipal districts of the republic.

To attract specialists to rural areas, the Ministry of Sports, together with the government of the republic, is working on the issue of supporting the initiative to establish a one-time cash payment for improving housing conditions for coaches working in rural areas, urban-type settlements and small towns.

On behalf of the President of Russia, programs for the modernization of primary health care are being implemented in the regions, the social assistance to citizens within the framework of a social contract is expanding. “The state program for the integrated development of rural areas is of particular importance for the development of countryside. It was adopted with the direct participation of the Federation Council. The results of the first year of its implementation are very promising. The preferential program “Rural Mortgage” has become extremely popular, according to which 45 thousand families have improved their living conditions over a year, ”said Valentina Matvienko.

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