News from the fields: Agrarians of Buinsky, Drozhzhanovsky and Zainsky regions started sowing sugar beets

21 April 2021, Wednesday

The sowing campaign is starting to pick up momentum. Today, the dynamics of sowing spring crops is 60.7 thousand hectares, of which spring crops and grain crops - 56.4 thousand hectares; barley - 47.3 thousand hectares, sugar beet - 0.6 thousand hectares.

According to the operational data of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan, to date, farmers of Buinsky, Drozhzhanovsky and Zainsky regions have started sowing sugar beets. So, the landowners of Buinsky district have already sown 326 hectares, and Drozhzhanovsky - 195 hectares.

“Even in the fall, as soon as combines leave the fields, serious soil preparation begins on the arable lands intended for beets. Fertilizers are applied to 2.8 centners of potassium chloride and 1.3 centners of ammophosk per 1 hectare. In the spring, right before sowing, ammonium nitrate is introduced for harrowing. The sowing area today is 105 hectares. The sowing will involve 38 units of seeders, 10 of which are of wide-coverage 24-row. The sowing technology has been worked out thoroughly. Now the field is sown with a hybrid of sugar beet "Pizon". It is being done by experienced machine operators Aidar Sharafiev and Sergey Stolbov on McCormick tractors with Monopil seeders. It is planned to complete the sowing of this crop by May 1, ”says Fargat Kamaliyev, head of the Zainsky district agriculture department.

Farmers of 27 districts of the republic began sowing spring crops: Aznakaevsky, Aksubaevsky, Alekseevsky, Alkeevsky, Almetyevsky, Apastovsky, Bavlinsky, Bugulminsky, Buinsky, Drozhzhanovsky, Zainsky, Kaibitsky, Laishevsky, Leninogorsky, Menzelinsky, Nizhneshkamlyumovsky Slobodsky, Sarmanovsky, Spassky, Tetyushsky, Tukayevsky, Cheremshansky, Chistopolsky and Yutazinsky districts.

The agrarians of Aksubaevsky, Almetyevsky, Bugulminsky, Buinsky, Drozhzhanovsky, Leninogorsky, Menzelinsky, Nurlatsky, Sarmanovsky, Cheremshansky and Chistopolsky districts started sowing peas, lentils and chickpeas.

A good pace of work on sowing mustard is observed in Nizhnekamsk, Zainsky, Aksubaevsky and Nurlatsky districts.

Agrarians of Aznakaevsky, Nurlatsky and Cheremshansky districts have started sowing sunflower. In the republic, sowing work is planned to be carried out on an area of ​​1 million 766 thousand hectares.

For more information on the progress of field work in 2021, please visit our official website in the Operational Information section.

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