News from the fields: 25 districts of Tatarstan started sowing spring crops

20 April 2021, Tuesday

The sowing campaign is in full swing. The agrarians of the republic try not to miss a single minute.

To date, according to the operational data of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tatarstan, farmers of 25 districts of the republic have begun sowing spring crops: Aznakaevsky, Aksubaevsky, Alekseevsky, Alkeevsky, Almetyevsky, Apastovsky, Bavlinsky, Bugulminsky, Buinsky, Drozhzhanovsky, Zainsky, Kaibitsky, Leninsky, Laishevsky, Laishevsky Novosheshminsky, Nurlatsky, Rybno-Slobodsky, Sarmanovsky, Spassky, Tetyushsky, Tukayevsky, Cheremshansky and Chistopolsky districts.

The agrarians of Aksubaevsky, Bugulminsky, Buinsky, Drozhzhanovsky, Leninogorsky, Menzelinsky, Nurlatsky, Sarmanovsky, Cheremshansky and Chistopolsky districts started sowing peas, lentils and chickpeas.

Sugar beet is sown by farmers of Buinsky and Drozhzhanovsky districts. The agrarians of the Aksubaevsky and Leninogorsky districts are actively working on sowing rapeseed.

A good pace of work on sowing mustard was observed in Zainsky, Aksubaevsky and Nurlatsky districts.

Agrarians of Nurlatsky and Cheremshansky districts have started sowing sunflower seeds. In the republic, sowing work is planned to be carried out on an area of 1 million 766 thousand hectares.

In the warehouses of the republic, work continues on the incrustation of seeds. This type of work has already started in 38 regions of the republic.

Harrowing was carried out on 64.8 thousand hectares of winter crops (11.6% of the planned), 176.2 thousand hectares of perennial grasses (39.6%) and 455.7 thousand hectares of fall and fallow (21.6%)

For more information on the progress of field work in 2021, please visit our official website in the Operational Information section.

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