March 2019

On March 28, Nikolay Titov, First Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan, met with agricultural producers and farmers at a round table organized by the newspaper Real Time.

March 2019

On March 26, at the Agrofirm "Kyrlay" of the Arsk District, a seminar-meeting was held on the topic of modern crop cultivation technologies, which was attended by the heads and agronomists of the Arsk and Atninsky districts.

March 2019

Today, the hero of our column “People of Labor”, where we write about ordinary people who deserve honor and respect with their daily work, is Kozlov Peter Andreevich, who has been working in the field of agriculture for almost 40 years.

March 2019

On March 5, the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan held a working meeting on the issues of conservation and improvement of soil fertility in the Republic of Tatarstan. The meeting was attended by Ildus Gabdrakhmanov, Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan Alexander Druzhin, Head of the Land and Property Relations Department, MSHiP of the Republic of TatarstanFargat Zinnatov, Deputy Head of the Department of Agriculture Sector Development, Head of the Rosselkhoztsentr branch of RT, Vagiz Mingazov, Head of the branch FSBI "State Committee on RT" Vitaly Novichkov, First Deputy Director of the FSBI "Office Tatmeliovodhoz" Azat Ramazanov, Deputy Director for Realization of the target programs of the director of the FSBE “Office Tatmeliovodkhoz” Rail Karimullin, vice-rector for scientific and international activities of the FSBEI HE “Kazan State Agrarian University” Rustam Nizamov, dean of the agronomic faculty of the FSBEI HE “Kazan State GAU” Igor Serzhanov, technical director of the RCC Zemlya Georgy Yashkov Leading Specialist of JSC “RCC Earth” Rail Shakurov, Director of the Federal State Budgetary Institution “CAC Tatar” Anas Lukmanov, Head TatNIIAHP - a separate structural unit FIT KazRC RAS ​​Akhtam Yapparov.

March 2019

Today, the hero of our “Labor People” rubric, in which we write about ordinary people who deserve honor and respect with their daily work, is combiner-tractor driver Muharlyamov Habir Nazirovich with his family. And his family is not small. Together with his wife Alsu Gilemkhanovna they raised15 children.

February 2019

Today, the heroine of our column “Labor People”, in which we write about ordinary people who deserve honor and respect with their daily work is Khusnutdinova Maria Nikolaevna.

February 2019

Alexander Zverev grows 100 different grape varieties on his 25 hectare plot.He has been cultivating this culture, which is unusual for our region, for about 40 years and only smiles on questions if he has enough time to ripen grapes.

From 28 of february to 1 March the inter-regional exhibition "Potato-2019" will be held in the capital of the Chuvash Republic. Representatives from about 20 regions of Russia, including Tatarstan, are expected to attend.

February 2019

Today, the hero of our column “People of Labor” is Zakharov Nikolai Ivanovich. He was born on September 20, 1929 in the village of Old Chelny of the Oktyabrsky District in a peasant family. He graduated from the rural seven-year school on the second year of the Great Patriotic War. The boy had to help the adults who remained on the work in the fields and farms.

February 2019

Every week we write about people who have started their businesses in the countryside, family farms and young entrepreneurs. One of these people is Radik Nurgaliyev from Tetyushsky District. He was born and grew up in the Maliye Atriasy, there he received the first lessons of peasant labor. Today he is the general director of Agrofirm Nur LLC, which has become one of the leading agricultural enterprises.

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