Scientists-agrarians of Tatarstan will present new varieties of potatoes at an exhibition in Cheboksary

27 February 2019, Wednesday

From 28 of february to 1 March the inter-regional exhibition "Potato-2019" will be held in the capital of the Chuvash Republic. Representatives from about 20 regions of Russia, including Tatarstan, are expected to attend.

“At the industry exhibition in Cheboksary, new varieties of Reggie and Samba potatoes created by our institute will be presented. We hope that these varieties will be appreciated by potato growers and we will cooperate with new business partners from Russian regions”, said Zenon Staszewski, the head of the agricultural biotechnology department at TatNIISH.

According to the scientist, both of these varieties are characterized by high yield, heat resistance, resistance to viruses and diseases.

There will be held a meeting of the Scientific and Technical Committee under the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation. It is devoted to the implementation of the subprogram "Development of potato breeding and seed production in the Russian Federation" of the Federal Scientific and Technical Program for Agricultural Development for 2017-2025.

It is also planned to hold a scientific-practical conference “Potato-growing in Russia: state and development prospects”, also it is planned to discuss new varieties and modern systems for the production of potatoes of the highest quality, opportunities for developing exports of potatoes.

In addition, the cultural program includes a tasting of potato dishes and competitions for participants and visitors. The event is supported by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation.

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