Experienced winegrower from Tatarstan shared the secrets of success

27 February 2019, Wednesday

Alexander Zverev grows 100 different grape varieties on his 25 hectare plot. He has been cultivating this culture, which is unusual for our region, for about 40 years and only smiles on questions if he has enough time to ripen grapes. Each of the 100 varieties grows ripe, and the berries grow up to 32 grams in a bunch, get sweet and each has its own unique taste with hints of nutmeg, sage, strawberries, etc. Alexander Zverev can determine the grape varieties by taste even blindfolded.

“There is no bad grape. So we make it with the wrong care or by letting everything take its course. There are no secrets here. You just need to approach the cultivation of grapes wisely, explore all the features and treat the trees with due care”, he says.

It should be noted that speaking of care and constant work Alexander Zverev is not cunning, his work is in full swing even in winter: it is necessary to prepare and root the cuttings for the spring, and this is also not easy.

“If the cutting first gives roots and then leaves, it will be a strong, viable tree. But if the leaves go first, then they will perish”, says Alexander Zverev,“ all the nutrients from the cutting go to the formation of leaves, the roots no longer have any strength ”. How to achieve the appearance of roots before the foliage is the science. But he is ready to share his experience and knowledge with anyone.

Many people visit him for advice, some in the fall to try grapes, and some in spring for the cuttings of their favorite variety. Alexander Zverev is glad to see everybody. In addition, being the chairman of the Kazan Loza Club, together with the Kazan State Agrarian University, he leads the School of the beginning grower, and also invites everyone to take part in the competition-exhibition of grape products and other garden crops, which will be held on March 24, 2019 at 10.00. The exhibition will be held at the address: Kazan, st. Gareev 62.

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