Labor people: strong family from Baltasinsky district with 15 children

1 March 2019, Friday

Today, the hero of our “Labor People” rubric, in which we write about ordinary people who deserve honor and respect with their daily work, is combiner-tractor driver Muharlyamov Habir Nazirovich with his family. And his family is not small. Together with his wife Alsu Gilemkhanovna they raised15 children.

Habir Muharlyamov never harbored illusions and did not want everything at once, he understood that in order to achieve something you need to work. And he began to work from school. There at school he met his wife, with whom they have been together for more than 30 years. After graduating from school, he received the license to drive a tractor, then he had been at the army, and when he returned, he began working as a machine operator in his own collective farm. In the spring he is on sowing, in the summer is on the farm, in the fall he leaves for harvesting, and in the winter there is plenty of work as well, he says.

Habir Muharlyamov is a real worker. He is satisfied with his fate and work, in which he found his vocation. “I work for conscience, the authority praises and value, invites to events as a best worker. And when you see that they need you, appreciate you, you want to work even harder, with even more diligence”, notes the head of the family.

The love of work implanted from childhood helps children to realize themselves. The eldest son - Khalil is already quite grown up, he has 2 children and his own small business. 7 older children have also found their place in life: Shamil works as a road grader, Ramil as a construction worker, Albert at the plant, Aysilu raises children, Assaf works at the Emergencies Ministry, Insaf is a tractor driver in road service, and Gilyusya is a nurse. Ranil and Danil study at the Lyceum, and plan to become a programmer and auto mechanic. And the younger ones: Gulina, Gulchachak, Aliya, Ilius and Zukhra go to school, get good notes, go for sports.

The Muharlyamovs family lives in the village of Pizhmar in a solid brick house, the children are shod and dressed no worse than their peers, the house is comfortable and tidy, fresh products from their household are on the table. Muharlyamovy keep a cow, calves, geese and chickens. Children help, no one is lazy. The Mukharlyamov family brings up children in a work that will surely help them to find their way in life.

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