The Ministry has discussed with agricultural producers the prospects for the development of agricultural market

28 March 2019, Thursday

On March 28, Nikolay Titov, First Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan, met with agricultural producers and farmers at a round table organized by the newspaper Real Time.
The subject of discussion at the event was the prospects for the development of agricultural production and the agricultural market for the next years and the situation of the agro-industrial complex today.
We remind that since the beginning of 2019, there has been an increase in cash proceeds in the field of agriculture. Commenting on the situation, Nikolay Titov explained that the increase was due to an increase in purchase prices. “The average selling price of milk today is 24 rubles, and grain prices have stabilized. The golden mean is reached, when both agricultural producers and buyers are satisfied with such prices, ”the first deputy minister noted.
Speaking about the prospects, Nikolay Titov paid special attention to the development of the system of agricultural production and processing cooperatives in the republic. “In Tatarstan, 252 agricultural cooperatives have been created. This is, above all, a team of like-minded people united by the same goals. The main task of cooperation is to successfully solve the problem of processing and marketing products, including access to foreign markets. In addition, the activities of agricultural cooperatives are fully supported by the Ministry ", - said Nikolay Titov.
Farmers who gathered at the round table also thanked the Ministry for its support and agreed on the need to unite, because this, although it does not have an immediate effect, allows saving resources and producing more competitive products. At the same time, a reduction in the cost of production does not affect its quality.
The parties also discussed the declining consumer ability and ways to solve this problem. In addition, the robotization of agricultural processes attracted special attention of the round table participants.
Nikolay Titov said that today there are 1,240 family farms in the republic, more than 570 of which are high-tech. There are fully robotized farms, where each milking robot serves 40-60 cows. At the same time, the highest quality product is milk, obtained without the use of the human factor.

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