The best livestock breeder has been identified in Tatarstan

25 June 2024, Tuesday

Today in the Vysokogorsk region, on the basis of JSC State Enterprise "Elita", the 7th Republican competition of livestock specialists - breeders of dairy and beef cattle breeding was held.

The opening ceremony was attended by Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan - Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan Marat Zyabbarov, Deputy Minister Gelyus Bayazitov, General Director of JSC State Enterprise "Elite" Fannur Zaripov and other responsible persons.

“At the end of last year, through the efforts of rural workers of the republic, 2.19 million tons of milk were produced, with an increase of 7.5% or 152 thousand tons more than in 2022. The introduction of modern technologies for feeding and keeping animals made it possible to realize the genetic potential created by our livestock breeders and achieve an average annual milk production of 7773 kg per cow,” emphasized Marat Zyabbarov.

There are 40 breeding farms for breeding dairy cattle in the republic. They contain 60 thousand breeding cows, the milk yield per 1 cow in 2023 amounted to 9,308 kg. This is the result of selection and breeding work carried out on farms. The degree to which the genetic potential of animals can be improved depends on you.

The competition was attended by the best specialists - winners of regional competitions, a total of 44 people. It took place in several stages. The commission tested the participants’ work skills in laboratory conditions, assessed the practical experience and performance indicators of the competitors, and the participants also demonstrated their knowledge of the theoretical basis of the profession.

The absolute champion of the 7th Republican competition of livestock breeders of dairy and meat productivity was Ramilya Valiullina from the Vozrozhdenie agricultural firm in the Arsky municipal district.

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