Sabantuy for livestock farmers was held at the Ak Bars agricultural complex

20 June 2024, Thursday

Those who work fruitfully deserve the best holiday. Therefore, a holiday was organized here to honor employees - Sabantuy for the company's livestock breeders. The invited guest of honor of the event was the Chairman of the Tatarstan Republican Organization of the Trade Union of Workers of the Agro-Industrial Complex of the Russian Federation Farida Garifullina.

“We have a beautiful tradition: at the end of the sowing season, we honor the machine operators of the enterprise. And today we gathered here at one big table with livestock breeders, like one big friendly family,” noted the head of the agricultural complex Lenar Abdullin, welcoming the livestock breeders to Sabantuy guests.

“It’s gratifying to see that the company strives to create all the conditions so that every employee feels important and recognized, and this holiday is a great way to express gratitude and appreciation to the industry workers present here,” noted Farida Garifullina, congratulating the company’s employees on the holiday.

The enterprises of the Ak Bars Agrocomplex employ special people who are entirely dedicated to noble work - caring for animals and producing quality products, the head of the agricultural complex also noted. And their results are decent. More than 30 tons of milk per day are received here every day. This is one of the highest indicators among enterprises in the agro-industrial complex of the Arsky region.

The republican trade union organization also awarded the best livestock breeders of the enterprise with separate awards for many years of conscientious work in agriculture. Farida Garifullina presented vouchers to trade union sanatoriums to Zamzamiya Sagirova, a machine milking operator, and Rasima Akhmetzyanova, a Delpro support specialist, with wishes for further success in their work.

In addition, livestock breeders and machine milking operators of an agro-industrial enterprise were rewarded with a Certificate of Honor from the Tatarstan Republican Organization of the Trade Union of Workers of the Agro-Industrial Complex of the Russian Federation and cash bonuses: Liliya Khusainova, Nakiya Biktimirova, Liliya Shigabieva, Anna Abramova.

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