Livestock breeders of Tatarstan increase knowledge

21 June 2022, Tuesday

From June 30 to June 11, a training was held at the "Atninsky Agricultural College named after Gabdulla Tukay" in Big Atnya. The training was conducted for heads of livestock complexes, heads of farms, chief livestock specialists and agronomists of agricultural formations of municipal districts of the Republic of Tatarstan on the topic: "Technological standards and requirements for the preparation of high-quality roughage." 2 people from each district took part in it. A total of 100 people were trained. The training lasted 96 hours, of which: 72 hours of theoretical part and 24 hours of practical part. At the end of the training, the specialists were awarded with certificates of completion of the training.

Lectures were conducted by the candidate of agricultural sciences, expert on feeding cattle - Alexander Lapotko (Republic of Belarus).

The program provided a variety of types and forms of practical training, which made it possible to increase the level of knowledge of students.

From June 16 to June 23, 2022, in the Kukmorsky municipal district, training is being held for managers, heads of dairy complexes, veterinarians, chief livestock specialists of agricultural formations on the topic: "Technologies for rearing young cattle up to 6 months of age, launching and calving cows."

In the process of training, students are introduced to the experience of the Unysh LLC farm in organizing the rearing of calves of different ages, feeding rations, housing conditions and the necessary veterinary and preventive measures.

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