Dmitry Patrushev mentioned Tatarstan as an example of the cooperation development

19 April 2022, Tuesday

A meeting of the operational headquarters was held today. It was chaired by the head of the Russian Ministry of Agriculture Dmitry Patrushev. “The sowing of spring crops in the Russian Federation, according to April 18, was carried out on 3 million hectares, the pace exceeds last year. Winter crops were fed on an area of over 11 million hectares. Spring field work is underway in 37 regions,” he said.

From Tatarstan, Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan - Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan Marat Zyabbarov, First Deputy Minister Nail Zalakov, Deputy Ministers Marcel Makhmutov, Dmitry Yashin, Lenar Garipov, Rishat Khabipov took part in the videoconference meeting.

The provision with grain seeds is at the level of 2021 and exceeds 103%. The rates of purchase of fuels and lubricants are higher than last year. The availability of mineral fertilizers is at the level of the previous year.

Dmitry Patrushev also said that in 2022 it is planned to allocate more than 284 billion rubles for preferential loans to farmers. It is the biggest volume since the launch of the mechanism, the minister stressed.

In particular, in March, an additional 30 billion rubles were allocated for concessional lending. On behalf of the President, more than 150 billion rubles will be allocated for this measure. 10 billion rubles of them are earmarked for new investment loans for the purchase of agricultural machinery and for the development of the dairy industry, as well as for the construction and modernization of breeding, seed and genetic centers.

The regions need to bring to farmers 50% of incentive and compensatory subsidies by May 1.

Speaking of supporting small businesses, he stressed that all available mechanisms "will not give the maximum effect until local, that is, in the regions, systemic processes are established to promote the sale of products of small businesses."

"At the moment, there are positive examples of the work of entities in this direction. These are, first of all, farmers' fairs and markets. For example, in the south and in Central Russia, as well as in the Volga region," Patrushev said. “You can take an example from the Belgorod, Lipetsk, Irkutsk regions, Tatarstan and Bashkiria”.

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