Agrarians of Tatarstan will exchange experience in soybean production

31 March 2022, Thursday

Soy growers from all regions of Tatarstan will gather for a seminar on soybean cultivation at the TatNIISH on April 8, 2022, which is organized in partnership with the Soybean Union of the Volga Federal District.

Soy is the only crop in Russia whose own production is still insufficient to cover the needs of our country, and is compensated by imports. Today, more than ever, the issue of its import substitution by Russian farmers is becoming relevant.

That is why the Soy Union of the Volga Federal District conducts training seminars for soybean growers in order to teach production technologies, share experience, and prevent errors.

One of the participants in this seminar will be Dmitry Yashin, Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan. He will talk about the main trends in soybean production in the country.

Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Sergey Shevchenko will tell about how to choose varieties and technologies, how to grow soybeans with increased efficiency.

Practicing chief agronomists of several successful farms that have been growing soybeans for many years, will share detailed technologies for growing soybeans in different conditions: on rainfed, under irrigation, using zero technology.

Oleg Mikheenko, Chairman of the Soy Union of the Volga Federal District, will talk about how the soy market is changing and what are the prospects for Russian producers.

The organizer of the forthcoming seminar was the TatNIISH together with the Soy Union of the Volga Federal District.

The seminar will be held on April 8, 2022 at 12:30 at the address: Kazan, st. Orenburg tract, 48 - TatNIISH FRC KazSC RAS


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