The new bill on the use of manure will reduce production costs per unit of final product

11 January 2022, Tuesday

A draft law on the use of manure as an organic fertilizer has been submitted to the State Duma. It will make it possible to implement the principles of a closed economy at the enterprises of the agro-industrial complex.

Today, issues of environmental safety and compliance with environmental requirements concern all spheres and sectors of the economy. Business must respond to environmental challenges, and agriculture is no exception.

In addition, in a highly competitive environment, livestock enterprises are looking for new ways to reduce the cost of final products, including by optimizing the costs of environmental protection measures (waste disposal and recycling). The situation can be changed by transparent regulation of the industry, which will enable agricultural producers to use manure as organic fertilizer.

A study of the market potential for organic fertilizers in Russia shows further growth in the sector. The development of the market is facilitated by the shortage of "organics" and the accelerated depletion of soils in China, Vietnam, countries of Southeast Asia and India. The industry is stimulated by the active formation in Russia and the world of the organic food market, for the production of which agribusiness will have to abandon the use of most mineral fertilizers and expand the use of organic fertilizers.

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