Since September 11, the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan has been holding traditional agricultural Saturday fairs at 15 sites in the city of Kazan and two in the Zelenodolsk municipal district. In addition, in the autumn this year we were able to resume holding fairs on the territory of the Chekhovsky Market in Kazan. Trade at all sites begins at 6a.m.," First Deputy Minister Nail Zalakov stressed.
On the first day of the fair, the potato imports amounted to about 140 tons. Observing the increased demand among the population, the Ministry carried out work to increase the volume of imported products. On the second fair day (September 18), it was 412.5 tons of vegetables, including 270 tons of potatoes.
The increase made it possible to fully satisfy the demand of the population at almost all sites. However, the situation for potatoes remained unchanged. In the future, it was decided to expand the range provided. So, depending on the calibration and packaging, it is currently possible to purchase potatoes at a price from 23 rubles per kilogram.
Following the results of five fair days, agricultural products totaling 292 million rubles were delivered to Kazan trading platforms. In addition to the vegetable group, meat, sausage products, draft milk, cheese, butter, eggs, honey, sugar, flour, cereals and other farm products brought from the municipal districts of Tatarstan can be purchased at affordable prices.
Currently, the situation is stabilizing.
About 600 machines and 1,500 agricultural workers are used weekly to transport products from the regions of the republic to the fairgrounds.
The Ministry expresses gratitude to the administration of Kazan, HC "Ak Bars", JSC "Tatagroleasing", LLC "TC "Maysky", the company "Service-Agro", Tatpotrebsoyuz and municipal districts of the republic for a significant contribution to the organization and holding of agricultural fairs.