News from the districts: In the Sarmanovsky district, the leaders of spring sowing were awarded

9 May 2021, Sunday

In the Sarmanovsky district, an award ceremony was held for advanced machine operators participating in spring field work. The awards were presented to them by the head of the municipal district Farit Khusnullin and the head of the district agricultural administration Albert Sharipov.

The awards were held in four categories. The first three places among the machine operators working on domestic tractors were taken by the specialists of Sarman Agrofirm LLC and Jalil Agrofirm LLC. The first place was taken by Lenar Gazizov, the second - by Vasily Gerasimov, and the third - by Vladimir Kuznetsov.

Among the machine operators working on foreign tractors, having fulfilled the largest number of shift standards, Almaz Khasanov from Sarman Agrofirm LLC took the first place, and Ranis Khakimullin and Ildar Aglyamov from Nurkeevo Agrofirm LLC took the second and third places.

Among the machine operators involved in the sowing of spring crops, the first and second places were taken by Nazif Galiullin and Albert Khannapov from LLC "Agrofirm " Nurkeevo", the third - by Damir Gainullin from LLC "Agrofirm " Sarman".

Among the machine operators involved in the sowing of sugar beet, the prizes were taken by the machine operators of Sarman Agrofirm LLC-Ramdus Faretdinov, Mars Gainutdinov and Ranil Rakhimov.

According to the operational data of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan, spring sowing is planned on the area of 51.7 thousand hectares. To date, this work has been carried out on 33.9 thousand hectares. Of these, spring-grain make 22,100 hectares, including 5,200 ha of spring wheat, barley-15,600 hectares, oats-0.1 hectares, sugar beet-8,600 hectares.

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