A meeting of the Presidium of the Council of Veterans of the agro-industrial complex of the Republic of Tatarstan was held in the Alekseevsky district

27 June 2024, Thursday


This week, in the Alekseevsky district, the Council of Veterans of the Agro-Industrial Complex held another on-site meeting of the Presidium.

The Chairman of the Council of Veterans of the Agro-Industrial Complex of the Republic of Tatarstan Mars Aliyev, members of the Presidium Razil Sayetov, Nagim Murtazin, and also the head of the department of agriculture and food in the Alekseevsky municipal district Gazinur Musin took part in its work.

At the event, current issues of the republic's agro-industrial complex were discussed, including the logistics and technical support of agricultural producers. Also within the framework of the meeting, the hero of the day, veteran of the agro-industrial complex Abuzyar Murtazin, was honored. He turned 70 years old.

He was a leader in the organizations of the Tatselkhoztekhnika system, Agrosnab and Tatrespotrebsoyuz of the Novosheshminsky and Cheremshansky municipal districts and made a worthy contribution to the development of the agricultural industry.


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