Everyday life of farmers: In Sarmanovsky district, the leaders of spring sowing were awarded

28 April 2021, Wednesday

In Sarmanovskiy district, awarding ceremony took place for the leading machine operators participating in the spring field work. The awards were presented to them by the head of the municipal district Farit Khusnullin and the head of the regional agricultural administration Albert Sharipov.

The awarding ceremony was held in three nominations. The three first places among machine operators working on domestic tractors were taken by specialists of LLC Agrofirm Sarman, LLC Agrofirm Jalil and Agrofirm Nurkeevo. The first place was taken by Khamis Sabirov, the second - by Grigory Fomichev, the third - Raif Sultanov.

Ramdus Faretdinov and Khatip Khafizov from Agrofirm Sarman LLC took first and second places, and Radik Gibadullin from Agrofirm Nurkeevo LLC took the third among the machine operators working on foreign tractors, having completed the largest number of changes. Among those employed in the sowing of spring crops, Valentin Bormotin, a mechanic from Agrofirm Nurkeevo LLC, was awarded for the first place, Niyaz Timerzyanov from Agrofirm Sarman LLC for the second, and Lenar Yakupov from Agrofirma Jalil LLC for the third.

“Sowing leaders are determined every five days, based on the number of shifts worked and are awarded cash bonuses from 1 to 3 thousand rubles,” commented Albert Sharipov.

According to the operational data of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tatarstan, sowing of spring crops in the region is planned on an area of ​​51.7 thousand hectares. To date, this work has been completed on 11.4 thousand hectares. (Spring crops - 9060 hectares, incl. barley - 7940 hectares, peas - 1120 hectares, sugar beets - 1784 hectares, sunflower - 580 hectares and mustard for green manure - 5635 hectares).

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