Farmers of Buinsky district actively use state support

21 January 2021, Thursday

Using republican programs of state support, farmers are expanding their agricultural production. Moreover, there are examples both among large agricultural firms and small farms.

One of them is the farmer Pyotr Lapshin. Even 10 years ago, he could not even imagine that he would be a successful rural entrepreneur. There were 16 cows in his yard. First they rented a farm, then bought it out with the help of the republican program.

“In 2015 I decided to get serious about agriculture. It seems to have worked, - says Pyotr Nikolaevich. - Milk production is not an easy but profitable business. There is a demand for milk on the market, so I want to develop in this area, ”he recalls.

In 2017, he received grants from the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tatarstan under the Beginner Farmer programs over 2 million rubles, and in 2020, for “Family Farms” - 15 million rubles.

Petr Lapshin's farm has 166 cattle. Average milk yield per day from one cow is 24 liters.

“We distribute feed to animals using a tractor. Everything is automated. In the near future, I plan to increase the number of dairy cows to 200. I think that they will produce 3-4 tons of milk per day, ”says the farmer.

Another example of successfully operating enterprises is the Kiyatskoye farm. Here are the highest indicators for grain yield and dairy production in the Trans-Volga region.

“The feed shop works for its own farm only 2 hours a day. The rest of the time ir works for sale - to farmers from all over the area and to neighboring Chuvashia. We already have orders, ”says Vladimir Grachev, general director of the Kiyatskoye farm.

Despite the obvious successes, the agrarians are not going to stop. To reduce the cost of milk, you need to competently introduce modern technologies. A mixer and a line for the production of animal feed were placed in the new feed shop.

Farmers are confident that if you skillfully use the presidential programs to support the village, you can increase income and develop steadily in modern market conditions.

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