In Tatarstan, resources worth over 28 billion rubles should be attracted to carry out spring field work.

16 January 2021, Saturday

The head of the department Marat Zyabbarov reported on the main results of the work of the agriculture and food industry in the Republic of Tatarstan today at a meeting in the Government House of the Republic of Tatarstan.

The meeting was held by videoconference with all municipal districts of the republic and the President of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov. The meeting was attended by RT Prime Minister Alexey Pesoshin.

Thus, the Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan said that the total value of gross agricultural output amounted to 268.5 billion rubles with a production index of 104.4%. “These results were achieved thanks to the well-coordinated work of all parts of the agro-industrial complex of the republic,” he stressed.

Speaking about agricultural issues, the minister recalled that already in the fall, a reserve was created for the harvest of the current year - the main soil cultivation was carried out, the required amount of seeds was complete. Winter crops were sown on an area of ​​552 thousand hectares, of which 435 thousand hectares - winter wheat, 111 thousand hectares - winter rye. By the time of wintering, 97% of winter crops were in good and satisfactory condition. The amount of sugars in the tillering nodes is from 26% to 36%, which is a good indicator for overwintering. An insignificant part - 3% of crops have not grown, and there is a high probability of overseeding on them. Due to the high snow cover, abnormal cold weather for winter crops does not cause concern.

“It is impossible to achieve high results without financial investments. Traditionally, we carry out sowing, attracting credit funds. To carry out spring field work this year, it is necessary to attract more than 28 billion rubles, or about 9 thousand rubles per 1 hectare of sowing, ”said Marat Zyabbarov. He specified that funds needed for mineral fertilizers make up 9.0 billion rubles (based on 70 kg a.i. / ha), seeds - 3.5 billion rubles, plant protection products - 5.0 billion rubles, fuels and lubricants and spare parts - about 10.0 billion rubles, wages for sowing campaign period - 2.0 billion rubles.

In terms of budgetary support, it is planned to bring 3.4 billion rubles to farms by the end of April. These funds will be used to provide unrelated support - 410 million rubles, to support livestock breeding - 200 million rubles, to reimburse part of the cost of 1 kg of milk - 823 million rubles, for technical modernization - 1.0 billion rubles, for mineral fertilizers - 1.0 billion rubles.

More than a third of the sowing costs is the cost of mineral fertilizers. The task is to make at least 70 kg for each hectare of crops. The accumulation for today is 29.6 kg of ai / ha with a plus of 10.1 kg of ai / ha by 2020.

Areas that have achieved the planned  accumulation of mineral fertilizers are Menzelinsky - 69 kg a.i. / ha; Tetyushsky - 66 kg; Zainsky - 60; Sabinsky - 59; Sarmanovsky - 54; Chistopolsky - 50; Muslyumovsky - 47.

Among the problem areas for the purchase of fertilizers there are Pestrechinsky - 8; Apastovsky - 4; Mendeleevsky - 3; Agryzsky - 2 kg a.i. / ha.

The main supplier for nitrogen fertilizers is JSC Ammoniy; ammonium nitrate is offered at a price about 14.7 thousand rubles (14.5 thousand rubles in 2020) per ton, and 22.0 thousand rubles for urea (19.5 thousand rubles in 2020).

Marat Zyabbarov once again reminded the benefits of stationary mortar complexes: those allow to normalize water in terms of hardness and acidity. In 2020, farms using this simple technology received over 25% of the economic effect. Such districts as Atninsky district, Kukmorsky district, Menzelinsky district, Baltasinsky district, Tyulyachinsky district approach this issue very responsibly.

As measures to stimulate farms that put into operation stationary mortar complexes, this year, funds for the purchase of mineral fertilizers are provided with an increased coefficient of 1.3.

The head of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tatarstan spoke about the programs for improving the qualifications of personnel, the planned seminars. So, on January 25, it is planned to hold an agronomic meeting in videoconference mode with a deeper analysis of the results of 2020 and plans for the upcoming period. He appealed to the heads of districts to find time and to take personal part in seminars involving not only heads of farms, but also specialists. This will make it possible to jointly resolve issues of development of the republic's agro-industrial complex, said Marat Zyabbarov.

During the meeting, Rustam Minnikhanov instructed to control the accumulation of mineral fertilizers by municipal regions, participation in training seminars aimed at improving the qualifications of agricultural personnel.

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