Marat Zyabbarov studied the work of agricultural cooperatives of the Atninsky district

7 January 2021, Thursday

Today Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan - Minister of Agriculture and Food of Tatarstan Marat Zyabbarov and Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Food Lenar Garipov visited the Atninsky region. They were accompanied by the head of the region Gabdulakhat Khakimov, the head of the regional agricultural administration Marsel Garipov and the head of the "Tan" agricultural production complex Almaz Sibagatullin. The purpose of the visit was to study the development of the agro-industrial sector of the region.

Famiiliarization with the area began with a visit to the "Tan" agricultural complex. Here they got acquainted with the activities of the enterprise, as well as the care and maintenance of young animals.

"APC "Tan" is one of the stable-profitable cooperatives of the region with dynamically growing production indicators. The area of ​​its farmland is 6750 hectares, including 6195 hectares of arable land. The main activity of the cooperative is the production and sale of agricultural products. The enterprise has modern equipment. Separate rooms have been built for young cattle. There is even a "drying" room. Since 2009, the farm is a pedigree farm that has received a Russian breeding license", said the head of the farm Almaz Sibagatullin.

The farm also pays great attention to the renewal of its machine and tractor fleet. The company has a new garage complex with gas heating, which was also visited by the minister.

It has two parts. On one of them there is a working office for specialists, a rest room for machine operators, as well as a shower room, etc. And on the second there is a repair shop with automatic doors and a parking garage.

At the end of the working visit, the leadership of the ministry got acquainted with the activities of the agricultural consumer cooperative "Arysh". In 2020, the company received a grant from the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tatarstan in the amount of 60 million rubles for the development of the material and technical base. To implement this project, the cooperative acquired a workshop with a capacity of up to 30 heads per day. Today the workshop slaughters 10-15 head of cattle.

The cooperative also produces the following types of products: half carcasses, beef meat in vacuum packaging (delicacies), as well as offal, skins, limbs, etc.

All manufactured products are made from beef meat in accordance with the requirements of Sharia with the use of the official trademark "Halal".

In the future, the enterprise plans to sell meat products not only in the district, but also in chain stores, restaurants and hotels of the republic, wholesale centers, agricultural fairs, the Kazan agro-industrial park, as well as in Moscow and Yekaterinburg.

Assessing the work of the enterprise, Marat Zyabbarov wished them further development.

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