Marat Zyabbarov voiced the situation with buckwheat in Tatarstan during the Food Security Headquarters

25 December 2020, Friday

On December 24, the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia hosted a regular meeting of the operational headquarters to monitor the situation in the agro-industrial complex and the food market. The event, which was chaired by the First Deputy Minister of Agriculture Dzhambulat Khatuov, was attended by Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan - Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan Marat Zyabbarov.

As noted at the meeting, this year seasonal field work was carried out efficiently and on time. The department, through close interaction with regional authorities and employment services, resolved the issue of staffing the industry. Thanks to the redistribution of specialists from other sectors of the economy, as well as the attraction of students from agricultural universities, in 2020 a high yield of major agricultural crops was obtained.

The meeting participants also discussed the situation on the grain market. This year, Russia has one of the most significant grain harvests - 133 million tons in net weight, including 85.9 million tons of wheat. As noted at the event, this volume is sufficient to provide the domestic market with flour and bread at affordable prices. In addition, to stabilize them, the Government of the Russian Federation has already taken a number of effective measures, including state support for flour-grinding and bakery enterprises.

The situation on the buckwheat and buckwheat groats market was considered separately. This year, the crop yield increased by 13.6% and reached 893 thousand tons, which made it possible to lay the foundation for the development of the cereal industry and stabilize prices for buckwheat.

Marаt Zyabbarov reported that following the results of 10 months of 2020. Tatarstan produced 5.7 thousand tons of buckwheat. There are two large enterprises for the production of buckwheat in the republic.

Bugulma Bread Products Plant No. 1 produces about 1.5 thousand tons of buckwheat per month. Currently, due to low demand for products, the enterprise produces about 60 tons of buckwheat per day. At this rate of sales, there is a monthly supply of buckwheat.

LLC "Khuzangaeskoe" produces millet, barley, pea, pearl barley, buckwheat, wheat groats. The enterprise's capacities allow producing about 300 tons of cereals per month, including about 40 tons of buckwheat. Currently, about 1.5 tons of buckwheat are produced per day. Stocks of raw materials at current demand should be enough until the next harvest.

“In general, we have no problems with the provision of this cereal, we are in constant interaction with our producers, we provide them with all the necessary support,” said the head of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tatarstan.

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