Farid Mukhametshin: The system of holding agricultural fairs in the republic is clearly debugged

5 December 2020, Saturday

Today the Chairman of the State Council Farid Mukhametshin visited an agricultural fair organized in the Novo-Savinovsky district of Kazan on the site along Yamasheva street.

Farmers of Novosheshminsky, Spassky, Arsky, Vysokogorsky districts, as well as the largest agricultural enterprises of the republic, presented their products at the fair. Farid Mukhametshin, accompanied by Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan - Minister of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan Marat Zyabbarov, examined the fair, talked to farmers, assessed the range and prices of the goods presented.

As the Chairman of the State Council noted, holding agricultural fairs in the republic is a good tradition that has been going on for more than a dozen years. The system is clearly debugged. Autumn and New Year fairs are held in all major cities of Tatarstan. The head drew attention to the wide selection of products.

“People thank and say that by the New Year they can buy all kinds of meat and vegetables. It is pleasant that farmers and entrepreneurs have started to come to these events more and more, presenting products from their farmsteads. These are ecologically clean, fresh products that are in great demand among the population. These fair days are also awaited by entrepreneurs who have been purchasing chickens, piglets and other animals since spring, growing them and selling them today.”

Answering journalists' questions, Farid Mukhametshin said that he regularly visits agricultural markets with his family, and at the same time grows the main types of vegetables and crops on his personal plot.

The Chairman of the State Council drew attention to the fact that the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan provides financial support to farmers in terms of reimbursement of transport costs, as well as the provision of free trading places.

This year the fairs will run until the end of December. However, the population asks to continue the fairs after the New Year. As Marat Zyabbarov noted, 8 tent fairs work in Kazan on a daily basis.

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