News from the districts: Kukmor elevator accepted 33 thousand tons of grain

14 October 2020, Wednesday

At the Kukmor elevator, work does not stop for a minute, grain drying plants are operating at full capacity. The elevator itself occupies 10 hectares, the feed mill - 4 hectares. The enterprise has 12 warehouses with a capacity of up to 45 thousand tons of grain and four grain drying units. Grain is brought from different places - Mamadyshsky and Arsky regions, as well as Kirov region and the Republic of Mari El.

According to the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan, today the enterprise has received 33,317 tons of grain. Last year, in November, 25 thousand tons of grain were placed in storage.

“This year, the elevator warehouses were disinfected, the roof and ceiling were renewed. This work will be continued, as warehouses require special attention. For this year, the laboratory acquired a device that determines the acidity of rapeseed. Last year, a pellet mill was installed in the feed mill shop, and it is planned to purchase an extruder. We plan to move all production units to a feed mill, and leave only grain storage at the elevator. Soon we will launch the production of spelled, the necessary documents are already ready. And in the next three years we will place new silage banks at the elevator, ”says the director Guzelia Gizatullina.

Today the elevator employs 80 people. The enterprise worked in full force even during the pandemic. The ZILs are driven by experienced drivers Rafael Zakirov and Ilgiz Timerkhanov.

“I have worked at the elevator for 28 years and assembled my own car that I work on. Anything can happen, and breakdowns do happen, but we fix them in a timely manner, since there are no delays with spare parts. And now, although I am retired, I continue working, because I’m not used to sitting around. Always looking forward to harvesting campaigns. The current harvest has met all expectations, ”says Ilgiz Timerkhanov.

Last year, the elevator, together with the district administration, developed a special program to support personal farms. According to it, peasant farms holding three or more livestock units and personal farmsteads can purchase fodder at a reduced cost. This program is active this year as well.

“Last year a kilogram of fodder under the program cost 7 rubles, this year the price is 7.5 rubles. We will start issuing it from November 1. We can deliver it directly to your home. This year, the population received applications for 679 tons of fodder. Last year 420 tons were dispensed. But those who have already used the program, appreciated its advantages and were satisfied with the quality of feed. Therefore, the demand has grown, ”says the director of the elevator, Guzelia Gizatullina.

Fodder can also be purchased by those with fewer than three cows. But the prices for them are different. As we were told, for those keeping two cows a kilogram of fodder will cost 8 rubles 50 kopecks.

At the Kukmor elevator there is also a shop, a bread baking shop and a canteen. They serve not only the employees of the enterprise, but also the residents of the entire district. Delicious hot bread and pastries are baked here every day.

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