Marat Zyabbarov: In order to ensure food security of the republic, it is important that the work of agricultural enterprises is not stopped even in emergency situations

14 April 2020, Tuesday

Today, Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan - Minister of Agriculture and Food of Tatarstan Marat Zyabbarov discussed the current situation on the food market of the republic with representatives of various ministries and departments of the republic, control and law enforcement agencies, municipal districts, as well as retail chains and agricultural producers.

The purpose of the event was the coordination of joint actions of various structures to exclude unreasonable price increases in the republic.

For his part, Marat Zyabbarov noted that, in general, food shortages are currently not observed among producers, as well as in retail chains and distribution centers. “I personally visited the logistics centers and with confidence I can say enough products. The issues of pricing for both manufacturers and retail chains are under our daily control,” the minister said.

A detailed analysis of prices on the food market was presented by the head of the Office of the Federal Antimonopoly Service in the Republic of Tatarstan Ayrat Shafigullin.

The Deputy Prosecutor of the Republic of Tatarstan, Marat Dolgov, said that at the moment, the Prosecutor's Office of the Republic has organized supervisory measures aimed at identifying and suppressing violations of the law that contribute to higher prices for food products.

“According to incoming data, the main increase in food prices, including those from the list of certain types of socially important food essentials, is observed in wholesale markets, warehouses and bases. At the same time, in chain stores, food prices are not a subject to unjustified fluctuations,” said Marat Dolgov.

He warned that every fact of violation of the requirements of the legislation in the area will be given a principled assessment and in case of confirmation of the facts of unreasonably high prices for food, comprehensive prosecutorial measures will be taken, including criminal prosecution. “We will stop all attempts to speculatively increase prices and bring those responsible to justice,” warned Marat Dolgov.

Farmers, in turn, noted that the pricing of the main types of products is kept at the level of last year's indicators, and for a number of products such as sugar, chicken egg - it is even lower. The preconditions and risks of price increases today are not observed.

In addition, participants of the meeting discussed the organization of labor at agricultural enterprises in a pandemic. The head of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan instructed to study the issue of agricultural enterprises and the processing industry, taking into account counteracting the spread of coronavirus infection. So, for example, at the Bakery and Confectionery Plant in Kazan, the work of employees is organized in 2 shifts that do not overlap and if quarantine measures are applied to one team, the second will be able to continue working. “For the purposes of food security of the republic, it is important that the work of enterprises is not stopped even in emergency conditions,” Marat Zyabbarov concluded.

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