Marat Zyabbarov held a meeting to study the work experience of "Trudovoe" breeding plant in the Saratov region

14 November 2019, Thursday

Today, Tatarstan Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Agriculture and Food of Tatarstan Marat Zyabbarov met with Aidar Bayzuldinov, Director General of the Trudovoe Plant. The topic of the meeting was the study of best practices in the development of the livestock industry. The meeting was attended by heads, chief livestock technicians and veterinarians of farms of the Saydasheva agricultural holding in the Tukaevsky district, Ratsin-Shali LLC in the Pestrechinsky district, the Aktanysh agricultural firm in the Aktanyshsky district, the Birbley Milk LLC in the Vysokogorsky district and the Yuzhnaya agricultural firm in the Nurlat region of Tatarstan .

Recall that earlier Marat Zyabbarov visited the Trudovoe JSC and got acquainted with the work of the enterprise. Having positively assessed the work experience of the breeding farm, the minister suggested that the agricultural enterprises of the republic study the best practices and introduce changes.

The discussion took place in a dialogue format. The head of the breeding plant, Aydar Bayzuldinov, said that the enterprise was originally a fattening farm, but today it is engaged in dairy cattle breeding. “Milk is a real benefit for us. Today, we have 38 liters of milk per cow and this is not the limit. We are ready to accompany several farms of the republic, make an audit of the enterprise, determine the potential and help build an effective production management system, ”Aidar Bayzuldinov suggested.

The head of the enterprise also shared the secrets of effective management on his own experience: “We keep large-breed cows weighing about 700 kg. 60-70% of animal health depends on the diet. We count it and build it ourselves. Genetics is also very important. For example, we consider low productivity and cull cows with yields of less than 23 liters. ” Aidar Baizuldinov also said that every specialist at the enterprise sends him a daily photo report on his work, and the salary, which averages from 40 to 70 thousand rubles, depends on the results of the work.

Following the meeting, the locals invited Tatarstan's agricultural enterprises to visit the Trudovoe plant in order to exchange experience.

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