Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tatarstan invites beginning winegrowers to School

30 October 2019, Wednesday

Starting November 10, the Beginner's School of Viticulture starts in Kazan. It is organized by the Kazan Agrarian University together with the Kazan Vine Club of winegrowers. Classes will be conducted by experienced winegrower Alexander Zverev, who grows 100 different grape varieties on his 25 acres plot.
Alexander Zverev has been engaged in the cultivation of this unusual for our region culture for about 40 years. The berries grow in clusters up to 32 grams, and each has its own unique taste with hints of muscat, sage, strawberries, etc. "There is no sweet grape. So we do it, improper care or, letting everything go by its own accord. There are no secrets here. You just need to approach the cultivation of grapes wisely, study all the features and treat the trees with special care, ”he says.
It should be noted that, speaking of care and constant work, Alexander Zverev does not dissemble, his work is in full swing even in autumn and winter, it is necessary to prepare root cuttings in the spring, and this is also not easy.
“If the stalk gives first roots and then leaves - this will be a strong viable tree. But if the leaves go first, then it will die, ”says Alexander Zverev,“ all the nutrients from the cuttings go to the formation of leaves, and there is no longer energy for the roots. ” How to make roots appear before leaves is a science. But he is ready to share his experience and knowledge with anyone in the classroom.
The Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan invites everyone to the School of Beginner's Winegrower at the address: Kazan, Ferma-2 St., 53. Beginning of classes on November 10 at 10.00.

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