A team from Tatarstan will present unique insights at the Village Initiatives Forum as part of the Golden Autumn exhibition

8 October 2019, Tuesday

On October 11, at the Forum of Rural Initiatives, ten regional teams of the project “Village. Development Territory ” will present unique business developments that they implemented based on the potential of their territories. The forum is organized by the Russian Union of Rural Youth; it will be held as part of the Russian Golden Autumn agricultural exhibition in Moscow.

Forum experts who will evaluate the results of the project will be Olga Timofeeva, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma, Oksana Lut, Deputy Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation and others.

The teams formed in 10 pilot villages included representatives of government and business in the countryside, educational and cultural institutions, activists, and authors of public initiatives. At the exhibition exposition, they will present their business plans in the format of interactive maps and share their achievements in the development of ecotourism, educational clusters, green production, Internet platforms, apitherapy and other innovative projects in rural areas.

A team from the village of Munayka in the Mendeleevsky District of Tatarstan will present in Moscow the project “Rural Startup Assistants - Poultry Farming” project, the goal is to form a community of young business families and introduce innovative technologies for personal subsidiary plots.

The Mendeleevsk branch of the regional public organization "Agrarian Youth Association of the Republic of Tatarstan" has already launched a district competition among young families. The winners will be given a set of equipment for growing poultry (broiler chickens) for free use for a period of 12 months. Applications are accepted until October 11, 2019 by e-mail: tema173@yandex.ru.

The Forum of Rural Initiatives will also host the All-Russian Creative Festival “Believe in the Village! We are proud of Russia! ” with master classes, discussion platforms on preserving the cultural and historical heritage of the village and a presentation of the creative works of the winners of the “My Small Homeland” contest.

We remind the project “Village. Development Territory” was launched by the All-Russian Popular Front at the initiative of the Russian Union of Rural Youth. Project activists are monitoring the implementation of national projects and state programs in the countryside, and are developing proposals to improve the quality of life.

The main objective of the project is to form locally a layer of active local residents aimed at developing their villages. Ten villages from different regions of the country were selected by a competition: Leningrad, Tyumen, Vladimir, Ryazan, Nizhny Novgorod, Novosibirsk and Rostov regions, Altai and Krasnodar Territories, as well as the Republic of Tatarstan.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan invites everyone to the Forum of Rural Initiatives to be held in Moscow on October 11 at 13.30 (VDNH, Pavilion 75, Conference Hall No. 1).

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