News from the fields of the Apastovsky District: Bread growers work round the clock. Father works in the afternoon, and son works at night

26 August 2019, Monday

For the majority of the population of the republic, a weekend is a legal time to relax, but the village lives its own special life. The fate of the harvest is in the hands of farmers today and every hour lost threatens with the loss of the crop. The days and hours are limited. Hard-working people are in the fields, ready to forget about weekends and holidays, just to collect a rich harvest and provide the population of their native region and republic with the necessary food.

In the Apastovsky District, they respect the work of grain growers and daily pay “field bonuses” to the best crews. So, this weekend the farmers of the Yumralinsky division Damir Fazlyev and Ilnaz Ibyatov received field bonuses of 5 thousand rubles from the head of the district Rashid Zagidullin.

Damir Fazlyev is one of the best combiners in the region, and last year he became the winner of the national contest "Best Combiner-2018".

“While the weather is nice, we work in the fields around the clock, in two shifts. Hot food is brought to us right in the field. The yield is also pleasing. Today, the average yield in our farm is 40 centners. Prizes paid by the district for certain results in the harvest are also pleasing, ”says Ilnaz Ibyatov, a young combine operator.

Each year, the crew of Firdus and Rinat Ibatullin from Davlikeevo are among the leaders of the region. This season they threshed 26,702 centners of grain and were awarded the traditional field prize for the second time. The father and son of Ibatullin are true masters of their craft. The head of the Firdus family is participating for the 12th time this season, and last year he was recognized as one of the best combine operators in Tatarstan. Rinat makes his personal contribution to the harvesting campaign for the fifth season.

“I try to participate in the harvest every year. My father works during the day shift, and I prefer working at night. The main task of every farmer today is to collect the grown crop on time and without loss, ”says Rinat.

According to operational data, the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan in Apastovsky District threshed 19.4 thousand hectares on August 26, which is already 71% of the total number of harvested areas, 62.8 thousand tons of grain were threshed, and the yield is 32.4 centners per hectare.

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