News from the fields of the Kaybitsky District: The flag of leadership is in the hands of the best combine operators

26 August 2019, Monday

Last week, the head of the Kaybitsky district Albert Rakhmatullin, together with the head of the Department of Agriculture and Food Radik Kamaletdinov, visited the district's farms and awarded machine operators who threshed the largest amount of grain.

Letters of thanks, a flag and a prize were encouraged by Ayrat Safiullin from the Dubrava agricultural firm, to Albert Lazarev from the Kubnya agricultural firm, Vyacheslav Turtygin from the Zolotaya Niva agricultural firm, Mikhail Torkheev from the Podberezye agricultural firm and Fanis Bikbov from the Tugan society Agro.

For several weeks, Ayrat Safiullin has been the leader among the combines of the Dubrava agricultural company. He threshed 9163 centners of grain on a Class Tukano combine. In 2018, he became one of the best combine operators in Tatarstan.

The winner of the last seven-day harvest at the Zolotaya Niva agricultural firm was also won by Vyacheslav Turtygin, winner of the republican contest “The Best Combiner-2018”. On the Mega Class combine, he threshed 9267 centners of grain.

Combiner Fanis Bikbov annually achieves great success in harvesting and this year already threshed 4739 centners of grain.

As before, the Kubnya agricultural firm is leading the region. If last week Ildar Sharafeev was in the forefront, then Albert Lazarev, one of the best combine operators in Tatarstan in 2018, broke into the lead. He threshed 10,376 quintals of grain on a Class Mega combine. According to tradition, the head of the district Albert Rakhmatullin, together with the head of the department of agriculture and food Radik Kamaletdinov and the director of the agricultural company Valery Polyakov handed him two crossing flags - for leadership in the district and agricultural company, a letter of thanks, awards and wished him further successful work.

According to operational data, the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Production of the Republic of Tatarstan in the Kaybitsky District on August 26 threshed 13.1 thousand hectares, which is already 66% of the total number of harvested areas, 38.9 thousand tons of grain were threshed, yield is 29.6 centners per hectare.

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