News from the fields: In the Sarmanovsky district, the winners of the first five-day harvest were awarded

1 August 2019, Thursday

In order to carry out agricultural harvesting in a timely and high-quality manner, to improve the crop culture, the efficiency of agricultural production and increase labor productivity among machine operators of combine harvesters and self-propelled mowers, the Executive Committee of the Sarmanovsky District held a competition among machine operators. For the first place, the mechanics are awarded a prize of 3000, for the second place - 2000, for the third place - 1000 rubles.

So, on July 31, the leaders of the first five-day harvest were defined. The prizes were awarded by the head of the municipal district Farit Khusnullin, the head of the district agricultural administration Albert Sharipov and the head of the production and marketing department of the regional agricultural administration Ilnur Salikhov.

It should be noted that such competitions among the machine operators of the region have been held for several years in a row. Unlike previous years, this year the work of machine operators will be evaluated according to the width of the harvester headers - separately for headers nine and seven meters long.

According to the results of the first five-day week, the mechanics of the Nurkeevo and Jalil agricultural firms received the prize. So, machine operator Ramil Salikhov took the first place, having threshed 5716 centners of grain in five days on a Tukano-450 combine. The machine operator Nail Akhmetshin, working on the New Holland-6080 combine, got the 2nd place by threshing 5442 c. The machine operator Lenar Gabderakhmanov, the manager of the New Holland-6080 combine, threshed 5416 centners and took an honorable third place.

The first place for threshing 6030 centners of grain on the Mega-360 combine was taken by Marat Kamalov. Homer Sultanov got the second place, having achieved an indicator of 4792 c. And the third place with an indicator of 4490 c was taken by Peter Lukin.

The first place among those employed in packing bread in rolls was taken by the mechanic of the agricultural company “Nurkeevo” Salman Shakirov. He put the bread in rolls on an area of ​​834 hectares on the reaper “Mac Don”. On the second place is Rustam Mingazov, who completed this work on 306 hectares. The third place was taken by the mechanic of the agricultural company "Jalil" Nail Kiyamov, his result was 293 hectares.

According to the operational data of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan, 4.80 thousand ha have already been threshed in the Sarmanovsky district, 19.2 thousand tons have been threshed, and the yield is 40 centners per hectare.


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