News from the fields of the Kaibitsky region: Today, fate of the harvest is in hands of grain growers

31 July 2019, Wednesday

Harvesting has begun on the Kaibitsky fields. Agrofirms "Dubrava", "Kubnya", "Golden Niva" started harvesting. Start harvesting in 2019 was given by one of the most experienced combiners of the agricultural company "Dubrava", honored mechanic of the Republic of Tatarstan, Ayrat Safiullin. Together with his son Ainur, who works as an assistant, they went out to a barley field near Coolanga at the Klass-Tukano combine. After the end of the fourth grade (then it was permitted), Rakhim worked as an assistant to the combiner with his father.

Last year Airat was among those who received the certificate of the district head for 30 thousand rubles. While he was emptying the bunker, the New Holland combine, which was operated by Lenar Bagaviev, an employee of the Bolsheykaybitsky cultural center, stopped nearby. It turns out that he has been helping this agricultural firm for the fourth year during the harvest. Assistant - Bulat Sibgatov, a student of the Kazan Pedagogical College. Both are from the village of Murali.

Lenar Bagaviev says: “The work of a farmer is difficult, it requires a lot of effort, and at the same time it is very responsible. He taught me to appreciate bread, to feel the taste of real work. In 2003, 2004, he worked as an assistant of Firdaus's father , in 2010 - Andrei Petrov's. For three years in a row he had driven a combine through the bread spaces. "

 “Our combiners have a motto:“ All the heat of the hearts, all the energy we give you, Motherland! ”We are also poets in our hearts! We reaped the harvest in a good mood. The barley in this field occupies 200 hectares. We send grain to the fodder in Muralinsky grain harvesting. Now all the forces are focused on harvesting. We feed farmers twice a day, right in the field, - Alexander Tutaev, director of the agricultural company Dubrava, joins the conversation.

Brunch took a little time. The participants of the harvesting were happy to eat, and quickly dispersed to the combines. Time does not wait, time rushes. According to Radik Kamaletdinov, head of the Agriculture and Food Administration of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan, the yield of Timerkhan barley is high in this field: 41 centners per hectare.

Vasiliy Vorozheikin, the manager of an agrofirm in Small Memyi, is also in the field. He picked up an ear of barley of the same variety and counted its grain, it turned out about 48. “I think that there will be an excellent harvest,” he says.

Grain growers will have to harvest without loss, collect everything up to the grain, since too much labor has been invested in each hectare of grain.

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