Winter rye harvest started in Arsk District

26 July 2019, Friday

The agrarians of the republic began a hot season of harvesting. There is a lot of work to be done, and therefore the readiness of both the management and combiners is 100%. Everything must be removed on time and without loss.

So, on July 25, the farmers of the Arsky District went out to harvest winter rye. The start of the harvesting campaign was given by the head of the Arsky district Ilshat Nureyev and the head of the regional agricultural department Renat Gatiyatov.

The agricultural company "Revival" brought combine harvesters on the fields one of the first in the area. They began to harvest winter rye of the variety “In Memory of Kunakbayev”.

The first threshing of rye this year was entrusted to the farmers, Farit Mukhmetzyanov and Farit Khusnutdinova. Then the first unloaded grain bins were delivered to the Strochurilinsky grain plant by the driver of the agrofirm Insaf Sibgatullin. Lots of new crop are laid in the sleeves after crushing and adding the necessary components.

The head of Arsky district Ilshat Nuriyev wished high yields, favorable weather and decent results of labor. “The harvest is good. The mood of everyone involved in the harvesting campaign of 2019 is militant, ”he noted. At the end of the speech, he handed to the agrofirm, to the grain-growers, letters of thanks and cash prizes.

According to the operational data of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan, 15 hectares have already been threshed in the Arsky district, 41 tons of winter rye have been threshed, the yield is 27.3 centners per hectare.


For reference:

Winter rye "In memory of Kunakbayev" - a highly productive, zoned seed with excellent grain yield. It is characterized by high cold and draughter resistance, resistance to diseases and lodging, as well as high baking qualities. It is most common in the Volga - Vyatka, Middle Volga, Ural, and West Siberian regions.

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