Sarmanovsky district started harvesting

24 July 2019, Wednesday

Farmers of the Sarmanovskiy region have begun harvesting today. Threshing of winter wheat began in the Karamalinsky production complex of the agricultural firm “Jalil”.

“In total, this culture occupies 2836 hectares. And the area of ​​this field is 279 hectares, ”says Ravil Akhmetov, the manager of the complex. - So far the average yield per hectare is 37.7 centners. More than 100 tons of grain have already been sent to the elevator. ”

Nine combines of the mechanic squad are involved in the work, and eight combines of the agrofirm work in the neighboring field. At the edge of the field there is a maintenance crew, a fire engine, and there is a vehicle with fuel and lubricants. The head of the district department of agriculture and food Albert Sharipov congratulated the farmers on the beginning of the harvest and wished them successful work.

In the district, the harvest is to be removed from an area of ​​51,000 hectares. In total, 96 combines will go to the fields. As in previous years, competition was organized among combiners. Its results will be summarized every five days.

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