News from the fields: Agrarians of Tatarstan completed the sowing of sugar beet

17 May 2019, Friday

According to operational data, on May 17, this technical crop was sown on 64.3 thousand hectares, with a plan of 65.6 thousand hectares, noted Irek Sadykov, the head of the department of agriculture development of the ministry. “The same area - 64.3 thousand hectares - was allotted for sugar beet last year,” he added.

Sugar beets are not grown in all areas of the republic. This year, it was sown in 16 of 43 municipalities. “The largest area of sugar beet is in Sarmanovskiy district, it is 9.4 thousand hectares. In the Zainsky region, this crop was sown on 9.3 thousand hectares, in Buinsky - on 8.6 thousand hectares, while the forecast of the Buinsk was 8.9 thousand hectares, ”Irek Sadykov said. He also clarified that in 2018 in the republic the gross yield of sugar beet was more than 2.1 million tons.

The harvest is processed at three sugar factories of the republic. Last season, 275 thousand tons of sugar was produced from beet raw materials produced on farms of Tatarstan.

“Tatarstan fully covers the domestic needs for sugar due to the harvest of root crops grown in the republic. A part of sugar is exported from the republic, ”said Dmitry Yashin, head of the department of the food market development of the ministry.


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