Agrarians' everyday life: In the Sarmanovsky region, advanced machine operators were awarded for participating in spring field work.

26 April 2019, Friday

The prizes were awarded by the head of the municipal district Farit Khusnullin and the head of the Department of Agriculture and Food Albert Sharipov.

The award was held in four nominations. The first three places among those working on domestic tractors were taken by the Nurkeevites (Agrofirma Nurkeevo LLC). The first place was taken by Fleur Gaifutdinov, the second - by Raif Sultanov, and the third - by Farit Garipov. Among the machine operators working on foreign-made tractors, having completed the largest number of change-norms, Rafis Nurmukhametov from Agrofirm Sarman took the firt place, Ildar Khuzin from Agrofirma Nurkeevo ranked second, and Damir Gainullin from Agrofirm “Sarman” ranked third. Ilmir Khafizov and Mansur Khafizov from Agrofirm Sarman LLC were awarded for the first and second places among spring crops in the field. In third place - Ilnaz Kalimullin from LLC “Agrofirm“ Jalil ”. Machine operators LLC “Agrofirma“ Jalil” Lilac Baykhuzin and Zufar Gimadiev, engaged in sowing sugar beet, received awards for the first and third places. Ramdus Faretdinov from Agrofirm Sarman LLC - for second place.

Sowing leaders are being determined every three days, based on the number of spent norm-shifts and are marked with cash prizes from 2 to 4 thousand rubles. Northern spring in the area is planned on an area of 51,600 hectares. To date, this work has been done on 18,486 hectares. 15,400 of these is barley. Sowing of sugar beet is also continuing in the region. To date, planting was carried out on an area of 2060 hectares. The closure of moisture in the area has successfully completed.

In the district, it is noted that among machine operators there are also experienced workers, who meet spring on the field year after year, and young, but hardworking guys. It is important to encourage those who truly love their work and work honestly.

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