Agrarians' everyday life: The scope of upcoming work was discussed at the agricultural conference in Almetyevsk region

5 April 2019, Friday

On April 4, an agricultural conference of the Almetyevsk municipal district was held on the Tokarlikov farm. It was attended by heads of agricultural enterprises, peasant farms, engineers, agronomists, representatives of Agrokhimservis, Rosselkhoz Center, Gostekhnadzor, AgrokhimLaboratories and  journalists.

The practical part of the conference was held at the site of the farm's grain. Participants examined agricultural equipment prepared for spring field work. The head of the district, Ayrat Khairullin, during the inspection of machinery, drew the attention of farm managers to their personal responsibility in the preparation of each unit, each unit of equipment participating in the spring field campaign.

The plenary part of the conference was held in the House of Culture of the village Kaleykino. It was opened by the head of the district Ayrat Khairullin

- Agricultural enterprises of the region will have to perform a large amount of work on the care of winter crops and sowing of spring crops and implement plant protection measures. And most importantly - the entire cycle of work must be clearly aligned. Farm managers must delve into all advanced technological processes and comply with agrotechnical deadlines.

The head of the Department of Agriculture and Food of the Almetyevsk Municipal District, Fanis Sharafiyev, presented in the report the volume of work to be done by the farmers and the main tasks of each stage of the sowing campaign. And he noted that the sowing work is to be carried out in a short time with the maximum concentration of material resources, agricultural machinery, fuel and lubricants, seeds and mineral fertilizers.

Nail Usmanov, General Director of JSC. Tokarlikova, commented:

- We have more than 120 pieces of equipment. There is 100% readiness for spring field work. 33 tractor units and 22 truck units will participate. We must be eliminated within two weeks. We have enough fertilizers: we have accumulated the planned 70 kg of the active substance for 1 hectare, we start feeding winter crops. The machinery and the sowing fund of the Tokarlikov farm are ready for planting

This was confirmed by Rafis Khabibullin, deputy head of the branch of the Rosselkhoztsentr in Tatarstan on seed production:

-We supervise the definition of sowing qualities of the seed fund of the Republic of Tatarstan. In the Almetyevsk municipal district, we checked the sowing qualities of 84% of seed material. All seed fund, tested by us, corresponds to GOST. It remains to check the seed of several farms.

This year the weather is favorable for farmers. During the winter period, there was 2.5 times more precipitation than in previous years. Therefore, now the main task is to retain moisture in the soil and to carry out early harrowing within 3–4 days.

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