The love for horses, grafted since childhood, pushed for the opening of own farm

7 March 2019, Thursday

The Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic pays great attention to the support of beginning farmers, thanks to which more and more villagers decide to start their own business, embody the cherished dream, doing what they love, looking to the future with confidence. Every week we write about such people, and the day before International Women's Day, we would like to tell you about a young and fragile woman - the head of a peasant farm Farida Semenovna from Big Butyrki of Pestrechinsky district, which opened a small livestock farm with her family. 

 “It was decided to go in for horses professionally a couple of years ago, having bought 30 heads of Russian heavy trucks at the Zvankovsky farm. This type of horse is unpretentious and also feels good in the local climate. Horses can stay in winter without special conditions, for a comfortable life they need only shelter from snow and wind, good food and warm water. They have a good disposition, which is why today they are considered to be excellent assistants in villages. In less than two years, a small herd has doubled, today it is of 63 heads. I am from Drozhanovsky district, grew up in a village. We always kept animals, there were horses. Love for horses was grafted since childhood. We all ride, ”says Farida Semenova.

Several hired workers help with animals, and the Semenovs themselves are engaged in their favorite business with the whole family. Both the spouse and their two sons work on the farm.

Horse breeding is not the only direction in which the economy is engaged. In 2017, Farida Semenova’s farm enterprises received a grant from the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan under the “Novice Farmer” program to create a farm for feeding cattle for 50 heads and she successfully implemented it.

The farm is surrounded with very beautiful nature and there is a small pond. Perhaps sometime here it will be a horse riding route. These are the plans for the family development of agritourism.

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