President of Tatarstan: Buinsky district has great potential and makes a significant contribution to the development of the republic

22 February 2019, Friday

This was announced the 21st of February by the President of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov at a meeting of the Council of the Buinsky Municipal District.

In the report, the head of the Buinsky municipal district, Marat Zyabbarov, said that in 2018 the gross territorial product of the municipality was estimated at 14 billion rubles, or 110% compared to the previous year. The main contribution to the growth of the economy was made by such sectors as agriculture (30.9%) and industry (21.7%). The industrial production index for 2018 was 114.4% of the 2017 level. The volume of products shipped reached 6 billion 735 million rubles, which is almost 16% higher than the same period last year.

In the structure of industrial goods shipped, more than 90% is accounted for by the processing of agricultural products. Buinsk region for agricultural production is among the five best agricultural regions of the republic and it is one of the significant producers of meat, milk, grain and sugar beet. The gross volume of agricultural products produced by all agricultural producers of the region amounted to 4 billion 326 million rubles.

The President of Tatarstan focused on the issues of entrepreneurship supporting. The share of small and medium-sized businesses in the VTP of the Buinsky district in the past year was 20%. “This is a small number. We need to work in terms of the development of the business environment. Local entrepreneurs stated that there are administrative barriers and frequent inspections by supervisory authorities. This work should be systematized. I ask the prosecutor's office to keep this situation under control. ”

In conclusion, he added that this year an important political event will be the election of deputies of the State Council of Tatarstan. In addition, 2019 is the main stage of preparation for the 100th anniversary of the TASSR.

During the visit, the President of the Republic of Tatarstan also visited a mill producting flour and cereal products, he assessed the results of a major overhaul of the Buinsky CRH policlinic’s building.

Groin Factory "Polba M" was opened in 2015. Today, the company specializes on the production of various products from spelled: wholegrain and crushed cereals, flour, pasta, etc. In 2018, the company sold more than 620 tons of products, which is 11% more than a year earlier.

During the inspection of the plant, Rustam Minnikhanov was told about the features of the production cycle, interaction with grain suppliers, including both local producers and companies from other regions of the country, and also learned about future plans.


For reference:


Spelled is an unpretentious, high-yielding grain crop that was used as a valuable food product during the Neolithic period. Features of the composition of cereals contribute to the normalization of blood sugar levels, improve digestion and cardiovascular activity. The use of this product has a stabilizing effect on the nervous system, improves memory and reaction.

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