It is the first time agricultural enterprises of Tatarstan produced one billion eggs per year

28 January 2019, Monday

It was reported by Marat Akhmetov the Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Tatarstan at a meeting in the Government House of the Republic.

According to the Ministry of Agriculture, agricultural formations have steadily increased egg production in recent years. Marat Akhmetov informs that the increase is 29% for three years. Agricultural enterprises and KFH of the republic produced 838 million eggs in 2016, 880 million in 2017 and 1 billion 79 million eggs in 2018.

“Talking of production of  eggs, “ Yaratel ” provided the increase of 32% said the Minister. The share of the poultry farm "Yaratel" accounts for 76% of the volume of eggs (814 millions) produced by the republic's agricultural units in 2018, explained Marat Akhmetov.

According to the head of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tatarstan, last year all categories of farms in the region produced 1.4 billion eggs, it exceeds by 17% the number for 2017.

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