October 2019

On October 10, the finalists of the All-Russian contest AgroNTI-2019 will demonstrate their work at Golden Autumn. A schoolgirl from Tatarstan will also go to Moscow.

August 2019

22 young Tatarstan people from rural schools will take part in the final stage of the contest "Agro NTI - 2019". Representatives of the Volgograd, Kemerovo, Novosibirsk and Saratov regions will compete for the title of best. The guys will demonstrate the skills of using digital technologies and solving robotics problems in the field of agriculture. Participants have to go through engineering competitions in several areas of the agricultural industry: AgroMeteo, AgroCosmos, AgroCopters and AgroRobots.

May 2019

On May 16, Kazan hosted the solemn closing of the on-site regional stage of the All-Russian Competition AgroNTI-2019, which was held at Kazan State Agrarian University with the support of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of Tatarstan. The competition was held among students of rural schools of 5-11 grades . About 200 students from 43 regions of Tatarstan, the Republic of Bashkortostan, the Perm Territory and the Ulyanovsk Region took part in the competition.

May 2019

On May 15, Kazan hosted the opening ceremony of the full-time regional stage of the All-Russian Competition AgroNTI-2019, which will be held at Kazan State Agrarian University with the support of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of Tatarstan from 15 to 16 of May. The competition is held among pupils of rural schools of 5-11 grades. Within two days, the guys will be offered the team situational tasks and they will be able to independently assemble their own agricopters, robots and meteorological devices.

March 2019

On March 26, the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan jointly with the Agrarian University and the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Tatarstan held a press conference dedicated to the All-Russian competition for students of rural schools "AgroNTI - 2019".

March 2019

The Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan invites students of rural schools to take part in the All-Russian Competition "AgroNTI-2019" among students in grades 5-11 in three age categories and four areas:

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