March 2019

Today, the hero of our column “People of Labor”, where we write about ordinary people who deserve honor and respect with their daily work, is Kozlov Peter Andreevich, who has been working in the field of agriculture for almost 40 years.

March 2019

Raviya Nurtdinovna Abdrakhmanova has been working as a milkmaid in the village of Kim of Spassky District for almost 40 years. Her grandmother and mother also worked on the farm as milkmaids.

March 2019

The Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan pays great attention to the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the countryside. Today, in every district there are people who have opened their own business and successfully developed it. One of these rural enterprises is located in the village of Vyazovka, Bugulminsky District, where Gulnaz Nuzhdina is the head of a peasant farm.

March 2019

Today, the heroine of our column “People of Labor”, in which we write about ordinary people who deserve honor and respect with their daily work is Kuzmina Ekaterina Antonovna, who won the title “Best Milkmaid of the TASSR”.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic pays great attention to the support of beginning farmers, thanks to which more and more villagers decide to start their own business, embody the cherished dream, doing what they love, looking to the future with confidence. Every week we write about such people, and the day before International Women's Day, we would like to tell you about a young and fragile woman - the head of a peasant farm Farida Semenovna from Big Butyrki of Pestrechinsky district, which opened a small livestock farm with her family. 

March 2019

Today, the hero of our “Labor People” rubric, in which we write about ordinary people who deserve honor and respect with their daily work, is combiner-tractor driver Muharlyamov Habir Nazirovich with his family. And his family is not small. Together with his wife Alsu Gilemkhanovna they raised15 children.

February 2019

Today, the heroine of our column “Labor People”, in which we write about ordinary people who deserve honor and respect with their daily work is Khusnutdinova Maria Nikolaevna.

February 2019

Today, the hero of our column “People of Labor” is Zakharov Nikolai Ivanovich. He was born on September 20, 1929 in the village of Old Chelny of the Oktyabrsky District in a peasant family. He graduated from the rural seven-year school on the second year of the Great Patriotic War. The boy had to help the adults who remained on the work in the fields and farms.

February 2019

Today, the hero of our “People of Labor” rubric is Zaripova Tausiha Garayevna, who has found her vocation in the sheep farming industry. Tausiha Garayevna was born in 1930 in the village of Murtaza, Bavly District. Her father worked as an agronomist at the Kirov collective farm, and her mother worked as an ordinary collective farmer. Tausiha's childhood overlapped with the Great Patriotic War, and as a girl, along with all her rural peers, helped adults, mostly women, as much as she could, to do hard peasant work in the fields and farms.

February 2019

Today, the hero of our “Labor People” column is Shamil Khalilovich Galiullin. Today he is a veteran and deputy director of Lenin Experimental Production Facility in Tyulyachinsky District of Republic of Tatarstan (now its Tyulyachi Agro LLC).

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