September 2019

The harvesting campaign is under special control of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of Tatarstan. According to current data, today 4 regions of the republic have completed the harvesting of grain crops: Nurlatsky, Apastovsky, Kaybitsky and Zainsky districts.


The Ministry congratulates the residents of the republic on Gardener's Day!


This summer brings farmers many weather surprises. But its time of sowing, farmers are trying to sustain and work in a given mode. Everyone has one task - to achieve a high yield, product quality and increase returns per hectare.

September 2019


In the republic, crops were harvested on an area of ​​more than 1.4 million hectares, which makes 84% ​​of the total number. Atninsky district was the first in Tatarstan to complete sowing of winter crops, and Apastovsky district was the second in Tatarstan to complete threshing of grain and leguminous crops from the area of ​​27.3 thousand ha. In the region, the gross grain harvest amounted to 83.3 thousand tons, the yield is 30.7 kg / ha, which is slightly higher than the average for the country today by 0.5 kg / ha.


September 2019


Indicators of productivity get higher in the Baltasinsky district. Improving weather conditions in late August allowed farmers to increase the pace of harvesting. Alga LLC was one of the first to complete the cleaning. In the other farms, the harvesting is in full swing, and although the equator has been overcome, it is still far from the finish line, 23% of the area left to be threshed. Therefore, the harvesters are working at full strength.

It is important not only to manage to harvest on time, but also to do this work efficiently, without loss. For example, in the Menzelinsky district, the yield is 38.2 centners per hectare, which is higher than the national average. Of course, productivity indicators are the result of the work of a whole year, but a lot depends on the work of combine harvesters. 

September 2019


In the republic, crops were harvested on an area of ​​more than 1 million hectares, which makes up 75% of their crops. The Nurlat region was the first in Tatarstan to complete the threshing of grain and leguminous crops from the entire harvesting area of ​​32.2 thousand hectares. In the region, the gross grain harvest amounted to 103.5 thousand tons, the yield - 32.2 c / ha, which exceeds the average figure in the country today by 2 c / ha.


September 2019

Harvest this year is marked by rain and a rather low temperature. The machine operators have to literally wait by the field, using any “sun window” to bring the combine into the furrow and thresh it. the Republican Committee of the Trade Union of Agricultural Workers decided to support the villagers during this difficult time and to congratulate the advanced workers during the harvesting. The chairman of the committee Farida Garifullina last week visited the farms of Tukaevsky, Aktanyshsky, Muslumovsky and Sarmanovsky districts.

On the fields of the Arsky district, the harvesting campaign of grain crops goes to the finish line. 40.9 thousand hectares of cultivated areas were harvested, which is 74% of the total plan.

August 2019

Republic Day is celebrated with the completed harvesting work of the agricultural organizations Fayzrakhmanov, Garayev, Unish, Nasibullin, Akhmetshina, Galiev and Khairutdinov.


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