The Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan congratulates the Tatarstan people on Gardener's Day

6 September 2019, Friday


The Ministry congratulates the residents of the republic on Gardener's Day!

In order to develop and promote gardening and horticulture, the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan on July 11, 2019 decided: "To establish the holiday of the Republic of Tatarstan on the first Saturday of September - Gardener's Day." This year the holiday is celebrated on September 7th.

In Tatarstan, more than 900 horticultural non-profit partnerships are registered. More than 1 million citizens use 386 thousand garden plots with a total area of 20 thousand hectares.

Gardener's Day is a celebration of people who grow crops in their garden plots, who love their native land and labor. The Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan pays great attention to support the gardeners. In 2017-2018, more than 1 billion rubles were allocated from the republican budget to solve gardeners' problems, 52 wells were repaired, 271 solid waste collection and disposal sites, more than 15 km of water supply, 64 km of access roads and 107 km of power lines. Work on the repair of engineering infrastructure facilities for horticultural and vegetable gardening associations is ongoing.

The ministry respects everyone who grows crops on their land, instills respect for the land to their children and grandchildren. We wish you good health, family happiness and high yields!

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