Apastovsky district completed harvesting of grain and leguminous crops, and Atninsky finished sowing winter crops

5 September 2019, Thursday

In the republic, crops were harvested on an area of ​​more than 1.4 million hectares, which makes 84% ​​of the total number. Atninsky district was the first in Tatarstan to complete sowing of winter crops, and Apastovsky district was the second in Tatarstan to complete threshing of grain and leguminous crops from the area of ​​27.3 thousand ha. In the region, the gross grain harvest amounted to 83.3 thousand tons, the yield is 30.7 kg / ha, which is slightly higher than the average for the country today by 0.5 kg / ha.

High rates of harvesting are observed in a number of areas. The Kaibitsky district is close to the threshing of grain and legumes, where these crops are harvested from 97% of the area, Buinsky - from 96%, Zainsky - from 94%, Vysokogorsky - from 93%, Yutazinsky - from 92% and Chistopol districts - from 91%. The leaders in productivity are Zainsky (40.7 t / ha), Tukaevsky and Mamadysh (39.7 t / ha) areas.

According to the latest data from the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Production of the Republic of Tatarstan, as of September 5, more than 3.5 million tons of grain were threshed in the republic, and the yield is at the level of 30.2 c / ha. In several areas of the republic they are sowing the winter crops. Sowing was carried out on an area of ​​404 thousand ha of the planned 541.3 thousand ha. Atninsky district completed sowing winter crops on an area of ​​7.7 thousand hectares. Baltasinsky, Tyulyachinsky, Sabinsky, Nurlatsky, Zainsky and Pestrechinsky districts, where more than 90% of the planned winter areas are sown, are also leading.

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