April 2020

Today, active work is underway in Tatarstan on the preparation of spring grain seeds for the 2020 harvest. The testing of seed material intended for sowing this year is carried out by specialists of the FSBI Rosselkhoztsentr branch of Tatarstan.

April 2020

One of the companies operating in this difficult time is Tatagrohimservis. The structures included in the group of companies provide technological solutions not only to the agricultural sector of Tatarstan and neighboring regions, but also to some areas of agricultural production in Russia.

January 2020

The Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan informs agricultural producers that a special section has been created on the ministry’s website for plant managers and agronomists. Resources for sowing in 2020. Here you can find the forecast of temperature and precipitation for the growing season, study state support measures for crop insurance and offers of insurance companies, as well as get information by availability and prices of seeds, rating of seed farms and data on suppliers of mineral fertilizers.

November 2019

The Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan informs agricultural producers about the possibility of searching for seeds through the AgroSemExpert information platform, which was developed by the Russian Agricultural Center and allows access to information about the quality of seeds in the region and the republic around the clock, to facilitate the search for necessary seeds and contacts of sellers, as well as monitor the progress of backfill and seed fund audits.

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