Tatagrohimservis operates continuously and provides the necessary resources for farmers of the republic

6 April 2020, Monday

One of the companies operating in this difficult time is Tatagrohimservis. The structures included in the group of companies provide technological solutions not only to the agricultural sector of Tatarstan and neighboring regions, but also to some areas of agricultural production in Russia.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Tatarstan draws attention to the fact that the company supplies farmers with agricultural machinery of their own production, mineral fertilizers, seeds of agricultural crops with developed systems of protection against weeds, pests and diseases, which suit the conditions of the region. It generally reduces risks even in adverse weather conditions and allows increasing profitability.

The branch "Agrohimmash" has been working in the agricultural machinery for more than 30 years. The engineering and design team of the plant develops, tests and manufactures units for plant growing: pickling machines, trailed and self-propelled sprayers, units for soil application, mobile mixing complexes, stationary mortar units.

The service department as soon as possible arrives to farms to identify and fix breakdowns of agricultural equipment not only of its own production, but also of almost all equipment manufacturers.

Over its 40-year history, the company has gathered the resources necessary for successful crop production in Tatarstan. Today Tatagrohimservis operates continuously and provides the necessary resources for farmers.

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